Travelio App: UX Analysis

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About Travelio

(based on the App Store description)


Stay in our curated and verified homes. Find quality homes suited for all your needs whether business or leisure travels. Stay for a few days or months in our homey properties. Book your stays or start earning money from your vacant properties as you list your home with us.

Choose from thousands of homes in more than 25 cities all over Indonesia. Search by price, location, standards, reviews and more.

Variety of alternative accommodations from our mid to high-tier Apartments located in the bustling cities of Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Bogor and Medan. Value for money high rise developments throughout second tier cities in areas such as Lampung, Batam, Garut, Sukabumi etc. And even famous tourist destinations filled with Villas and other private accommodations such as Bali, Jogjakarta, Malang, Gili, Lombok, Gorontalo and more!

Turn your vacant homes into paying homes as you list your properties with us to gain more exposure, access to extranet, revenue management, marketing benefits, display and other services we provide to make sure your home gains additional income.

Find out more about Travelio App here:

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Travelio App Snapshots

Design Issues

1. Same Illustration

Same illustration for active booking, booking history, and even wishlist which doesn’t give any meaning for users.

2. Currency

Indonesian Rupiah maybe?

3. Accordion without Arrow

Accordion without visual cues of what user can or should do. What is this stack of texts in boxes?
And why is the text below all in caps? Are you angry lion cub? But you said you’re ready to attend to my needs.

4. Contact Us

‘Contact Us’ page with no ability or functionality to ‘contact them’ besides the highlight of contact information. I just hope Travelio add these functionalities (call and email within app) in the near future 🙂

5. Map View Functionality Error

So it happens when you search any property and the results will be shown as a list. Then you can change the view from list into map view. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work well which weirdly goes up into nowhere or just crashing back and forth between property results.

6. Sort & Filter

First, when you touch the filter button then this page comes up which called ‘Sort & Filter’ instead of just filter. Just a little shock there because the shift of expectation but I think it’s common to combine this sort & filter features. Second, the numbers on price range are better put above the slider (it’s best practice). Third, I think it’s better to add some color with the ‘more info’ (11+ more/97+ more) button, just to increase the visual hierarchy.

7. Maps

I don’t know if it’s just me or anyone else do this too but it’s quite often that whenever I check on any property information and slide it down, mostly I will slide the pinpoint on the map too and bring it to I don’t know where. It’s quite irritating after a couple times.

8. Profile Edit

So in time that I try to edit my profile, there’s boxes to fill identity number and address. Well, I don’t wanna fill it now so I press the save button to save my profile information as it is. But then, hey, they insist me to fill these identity number and address information (they’re required). This lion cub just become rude towards me 😦

9. Travelio Point History

Travelio point history is put among Travelio rewards FAQ which resembles same visual hierarchy where it supposed to have a different degree, in my opinion.

10. Travelio Rewards FAQ

I think Travelio Rewards FAQ can be made into an accordion to avoid added pages. Just my idea though, but it is fine as it is now.

11. Starts from With Breakfast?

12. Welcome Email

This is actually fine but just hoping for more effort and better designed welcome email for future Travelio users 🙂

13. Front End

Just a little bit too spacey up there on the ‘Unit Details’ header
A little bit miss there, Fullname → Full Name

14. Travelio Rank FAQ

What’s this Travelio Rank? *click it* *FAQ comes up* But it’s down there. User needs to scroll up to see it. Just added effort there for the user.

(+) Design Appreciations

  • There’s trivia information on the bottom of property details. It’s quite fun to found it. And it’s sure a good material for better emotional design based development in the future.
  • You can give some more information if you’re booking for someone else or if you have any special request.
  • There’s also 360 photos for select property!

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Thanks for reading! 🙂